
What Are the Symptoms of Undescended Testicles?


  1. Low Intelligence: Most males with undescended testicles have normal intelligence, but a small percentage may experience mild intellectual disability due to the increased number of X chromosomes in males with undescended testicles, which makes them more prone to intellectual disability.
  2. Mental Abnormalities: Patients with undescended testicles may show shyness, solitary character, taciturnity, and poor social interaction in childhood. Some may exhibit inappropriate behavior. Certain patients may also show neurotic tendencies.
  3. Developmental Disorders of Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Males with undescended testicles may appear male externally but have small testicles, possibly leading to cryptorchidism, low libido, and azoospermia. Some patients may also exhibit female characteristics such as breast development and sparse body hair.