
My four-month-old baby has had diarrhea for a week now. Usually, she has bowel movements every two days, but now it’s seven or eight times a day. The stool is greenish and watery, occasionally purulent. Her appetite and spirit are still good. We’ve taken medication from the community health center, but it hasn’t worked. We’ve also tried Mommy Love and Montmorillonite Powder, but there has been no improvement. We’ve also taken Compound Pepsin Granules and Pediatric Compound Sulfamethoxazole Granules, but there is still no effect.


Hello, based on your description, your baby’s diarrhea may be caused by indigestion. You can try giving your baby Baby Digestive Health Powder and Pediatric Pancreatic Enzyme Powder to treat the condition. These medications may help improve your baby’s digestive issues. You can give them a try.