
What should I do if my baby has been suffering from diarrhea for a week?


Based on the information you provided, considering that the child’s diarrhea might be due to indigestion, it is appropriate to continue using Bifidobacterium Triple Strain and adding Simethicone. When taking Simethicone, it’s important to ensure that the child is fasting and strictly follow the instructions on the medication’s leaflet; otherwise, the effectiveness may not be good. Why does Simethicone need to be taken on an empty stomach? Because it is an adsorbent that can adhere to the intestinal surface after ingestion, preventing viruses and bacteria from contacting the surface. It can also absorb viruses, bacteria, and toxins in the intestinal lumen, which are then excreted in the stool. Taking it with food would not achieve this effect, and if taken with medication, it may adsorb the medication, reducing its efficacy. Your child’s stools are less frequent but they are eating well, so it is estimated that there will be no significant dehydration. Check for dehydration by observing urine output, whether the fontanelle and orbits are sunken, and if there is any noticeable dry mouth. If there is no dehydration, no fluid replacement is needed. In case of dehydration, a simple method for fluid replacement is to mix one cap of salt in 500 milliliters of water or rice gruel and mix well before frequent intake; the daily amount should be around 200-300 milliliters. Here is another method you can try, which I often use in clinical practice and recommend to you: mix equal amounts of coptis, white pepper, and cangzhu powder into a fine mixture with a small amount of bingpian (ice piece), seal it for later use. When needed, take an appropriate amount and place it in the umbilical cord area, then secure it with adhesive tape. I hope my answer is helpful to you. I also recommend this external application method; you might give it a try as it has been effective for many.