
Doctor, my daughter is now two months old and has been coughing for half a month. What should I do?


Based on the description, your baby may have developed bronchitis due to a weakened immune system after catching a cold, which allows bacteria or viruses to enter the body. Clinically, this is often manifested by symptoms such as coughing and expectoration. To alleviate these symptoms, I recommend giving your baby oral azithromycin granules and ambroxol tablets, and ensuring the baby drinks plenty of warm water. In terms of diet, opt for light and easy-to-digest foods, avoiding spicy and other irritating foods. Additionally, you can try making a syrup of pear water with rock sugar for the baby to drink, as pears have the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving coughs. Moreover, performing nebulizer inhalation can also help alleviate symptoms. Please note to keep your baby warm and avoid catching a cold to prevent the condition from worsening.