
A boy, 12 years old, in elementary school, initially felt a sore throat while speaking, noticed difficulty in swallowing, and had a slight fever with lack of energy. How should painful pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


Generally speaking, if it is pediatric tonsillitis, it is advisable to consider using antibiotics for treatment, as this method is relatively effective. In terms of regional treatment, it is recommended to choose laser therapy or drug irrigation. For children with obvious symptoms of pharyngalgia, some painkillers can be used. If the child also has a slight fever, it can be appropriately reduced. However, if the child’s body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. For children who have recurrent acute severe inflammation or have complications, it is recommended to consider tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure that the child receives adequate nutrition, eat a light diet mainly, and allow the child to rest sufficiently to avoid fatigue.