
A 6-year-old boy has been complaining of pain when swallowing, accompanied by a slight cough, and has had a slight fever for some time. How should the treatment for high fever in children with tonsillitis be approached, and what are the expected effects?


For treatment, it is first recommended to administer symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication based on the child’s symptoms. Additionally, regional treatments can be carried out, including tonsil crypt irrigation, intratonsillar medication injections, and laser therapy. Painkillers can also be given if the child’s sore throat is severe. Some children may also have a fever, in which case oral fever-reducing medication can be administered. If symptoms persist, it is essential to seek medical attention as tonsillitis can have recurrent episodes. If similar conditions exist, surgery can be considered after the inflammation is controlled. Parents should also ensure their children are well-protected from colds and the flu to prevent a recurrence of tonsillitis.