
In October, I experienced symptoms of 3 more and 1 less. I went to the hospital for a check-up in November, where I was tested and found to have an fasting blood sugar level of 17 and a post-meal blood sugar level of 33. I was hospitalized for 20 days, receiving insulin injections three times a day, and my blood sugar was controlled at over 4 points fasting and over 7 points post-meal.


Diabetes is usually caused by issues such as genetic factors and immune system disorders leading to a reduction in pancreatic function. The clinical manifestation is generally ’three more, one less,’ meaning increased thirst, appetite, urination, and weight loss. Complications may include swelling or hypertension. Tests can be conducted through glycated hemoglobin indicators, fasting blood sugar levels, and oral glucose tolerance tests. Currently, there is no medication available for a cure; long-term treatment is required. This usually involves oral insulin secretagogues, biguanides, AGIs, etc., and control of blood sugar in late-stage diabetes often requires insulin. It is also important to control diet, maintain regular exercise, and continuously monitor one’s blood sugar levels.