An 11-year-old boy, in elementary school age, initially felt a sore throat while speaking and discovered severe coughing and persistent low-grade fever. While treating tonsillitis, what types of food can be given to the child?
Tonsillitis is a common disease that requires timely treatment. During treatment, it is recommended to provide the child with vegetables and fruits. Many fruits have the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, are rich in vitamins, and can help boost the immune system to fight against diseases. When choosing fruits, avoid overly cold varieties and opt for neutral fruits such as apples and kiwis. Additionally, easy-to-digest foods like slightly thinner porridge or soft noodles can be offered. At the same time, avoid giving the child foods that may exacerbate the condition, such as seafood and dog meat. These foods might have an adverse effect on the illness. Lastly, helping the child develop good living habits is also important, including regular sleep schedules and moderate exercise. These can effectively enhance immunity and reduce the incidence of diseases.