
My son is just over 8 months old and has just started saying he has a sore throat. He also has a hoarse voice when speaking and is running a low fever. How should I treat his pediatric tonsillitis with low fever?


To effectively treat tonsillitis, it’s recommended to select medications with anti-inflammatory effects under a doctor’s guidance and consider regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation or tonsil intralesional injection, in addition to systemic medication. If the child’s primary symptom is throat pain, parents may consider giving some painkillers to alleviate discomfort. If the child has a fever, antipyretic medication can be taken. However, if the fever persists, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. If your child frequently experiences this condition, consider surgical treatment after the condition is controlled to prevent recurrence. During treatment, also pay attention to providing the child with a light diet and nutritional supplements to help recover as soon as possible.