
Dear Baby, currently 2 years old, at first, she said she felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed she had a slight cough as well. She also has a bit of a fever and seems less energetic. How can we effectively treat low fever in children with tonsillitis?


In treating such diseases, you can give the child some symptomatic antibiotic medications. Besides systemic medication, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or tonsil injection. For children with obvious throat pain, analgesic medications can be used. If there is a fever, choose cooling methods based on body temperature; below 38.5 degrees Celsius can be physically cooled, while above 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral antipyretics can be taken. If there are repeated acute severe cases or complications have already occurred, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy after the acute inflammation subsides for two weeks. While treating the child, it is also important to arrange for a light diet and enhance nutritional supplementation to help recover as soon as possible.