
I want to understand the differences between enteritis and gastritis, as I’m unable to determine which condition I have. I have experienced weight loss, frequent dizziness, and my heart races slightly with even mild exercise. The doctor told me this is due to iron deficiency. What should I do?


Condition Analysis: Based on your symptoms, it is still not possible to determine if you have gastritis. However, the possibility of iron deficiency anemia is relatively high, which can cause dizziness and long-term weight loss. For this situation, in addition to blood supplementation, attention should also be paid to diet and lifestyle. Suggestions:

  1. You can choose to take Nutrileaf’s iron folic acid tablets and pair them with vitamin C to promote iron absorption.
  2. Your diet should include a mix of meat and vegetables, aiming for about seven-tenths fullness per meal, and choose a variety of foods to aid digestion and achieve a balanced diet.
  3. Consume moderate amounts of foods such as beans, dairy products, animal blood, liver, spinach, shrimp, dates, peanuts, bananas, apples, peaches.
  4. Engage in moderate exercise, avoid prolonged sitting, and avoid overexertion.