
The baby started having diarrhea on December 6th in the morning and had a high fever around 10 PM. We went to the hospital for a fever-reducing shot and were prescribed anti-diarrheal medicine, but it didn’t work; we went back to the hospital (county-level) on the morning of the 8th for a check-up, and it was diagnosed as acute enteritis. The baby has been taking medicine, but is still having diarrhea every day. The stool is pale yellow, watery, sometimes resembling egg whites, unformed, and there’s a constant leakage from the anus. The baby’s mood is not good either, constantly crying and fussing, and the skin lacks luster. The doctor said that this kind of diarrhea takes at least a week to recover. Does it really have to take so long? The baby has become much thinner, and it’s heartbreaking.


Disease Analysis: Hello! Based on your description, the child’s acute gastroenteritis is likely caused by rotavirus infection. Under active treatment, it indeed takes about a week to recover. The child’s lack of luster in the skin suggests a possibility of dehydration. Guidance: One, if the child continues to have severe diarrhea and shows symptoms such as thirst, decreased skin elasticity and dryness, reduced urine and tears, sunken fontanelle and orbits, it indicates dehydration and requires active oral rehydration salt treatment. However, if the child is severely vomiting or unable to take oral rehydration salts, intravenous fluid therapy may be necessary. Two, it is best to add ribavirin granules for antiviral treatment. Three, a higher dose of Simethicone is effective; don’t worry about drug overdose as it is not absorbed in the intestines.