
Dear Professor Li Zhong, please help this poor mother. Thank you! I am typing while tears stream down my face. I know my son has a chance now! My son is currently 20 months old and drools every day. On May 23, he underwent auditory evoked potentials and brain CT scans at Nanjing Children’s Hospital, where it was found that his brain development is delayed, and there are issues with neural central conduction. According to the hearing data conversion, his left ear has a hearing level of 65 decibels, while his right ear is at 55 decibels. The CT scan also showed signs of enlarged ventricles. The doctor initially diagnosed him with mental retardation and recommended the use of hearing aids. We have noticed that he does not speak like other children his age.


Based on your description, your child may need professional assistance and treatment. You might consider trying the oral liquid mentioned and could also consider injecting brain vitality and neural gangliosides to promote brain recovery. At the same time, auditory stimulation is also beneficial for brain recovery. You can consult the neurology department of Beijing Children’s Hospital for more professional advice.