
The newborn developed jaundice around 3 days old, and the jaundice index reached 275 during a 12-day check-up. That afternoon, blue light therapy was administered, and the index dropped after 24 hours. However, it rose back to 200 after 6 hours. The reason for this is inquired about. Additionally, the doctor mentioned that myocardial enzymes have increased, and it is asked if this is normal.


Case Analysis: Hello, newborn jaundice is usually caused by an excess of dampness and heat in the body, which may be related to the high body temperature of the mother. It is recommended to give the baby Yinzhi Huang Granules to clear heat and dampness. Also, the mother should drink tea made from Yinchen, Jiezi, and Baimao Gen to help the baby jaundice. The mother should avoid spicy and fried foods.