How can I check if my child, who is three and a half years old and whose mother is intellectually disabled, has an intellectual disability? She was previously taken care of by her grandmother in our hometown. Just the other day, she came to my house, and it’s obvious that she has a gap in speaking abilities compared to children of the same age. How can I determine if she is intellectually disabled?
Medical Analysis: Hello, if you feel there is a certain gap in daily life compared to children of the same age, it’s not out of the question that there might be some intellectual deficiencies. You can go to a regular hospital for a pediatric intelligence test, which is more accurate. Guidance: Taking this test can more accurately determine the child’s intellectual condition. You can have the test done at a regular large hospital. In daily life, you should encourage your child to exercise more, communicate more with them, and educate them, which may help reduce the impact on their future life and learning. Wishing your child a healthy growth.