
Dear Baby, she’s only 4 months old. Initially, when she talks, it seems like she has a sore throat. I noticed her voice is a bit hoarse. Moreover, she has a persistent high fever. How should we treat fever caused by pediatric tonsillitis?


If a child has tonsillitis and is also feverish, antibiotic medication can be used for treatment, as can regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar injection of medication. If the child experiences severe throat pain, painkillers can be considered. At the same time, if there is a fever, antipyretic medication can be taken, but if the high fever persists, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. If the child frequently experiences tonsillitis, it is recommended to consider surgical treatment as soon as possible and to pay attention to maintaining good dietary hygiene and ensuring adequate rest during treatment.