
Frequent diarrhea, loose stools that resemble water! Accompanied by belching and bowel sounds.


Hello! Your condition is attributed to damp-heat in the gastrointestinal tract, and conventional medications are often ineffective in curing it. Traditional Chinese medicine, with its long-term clinical practice, has accumulated many very effective treatment methods. I suggest you use traditional Chinese herbs such as cordyceps, activated carbon, black dates, walnuts, tangerine peel, angelica, magnolia bark, trichosanthes, pangolin scales, upper and lower jia, safflower, Hainan amomum, iron gall powder, beeswax, honey, and propolis for treatment. These herbs can quickly heal the condition. When used in combination, they can thoroughly clear damp-heat in the gastrointestinal tract, expel dampness from the intestines and stomach, promote metabolism, and improve the function of intestinal disorder. This will lead to a complete cure without recurrence. I hope you receive proper treatment and recover soon!