
What medication is better for chronic erosive gastritis?


The patient experienced symptoms such as diarrhea, dizziness, and general discomfort on May 22nd, but still insisted on working. After receiving scraping therapy, the patient felt relieved, but the next day experienced symptoms of general weakness and alternating constipation and diarrhea. After seeking medical treatment, the symptoms improved, but starting in July, the patient experienced discomfort in the throat, digestive discomfort, and belching. The patient underwent testing for Helicobacter pylori and took triple therapy medication, which improved the condition, but the symptoms were not completely eliminated. After a second visit to the doctor, there was improvement in bowel sounds, but intermittent left lower abdominal pain persisted. Currently, the patient is taking medications such as Gefasys and MiraLAX, but symptoms still occur intermittently. It is recommended to use medications such as Losec, Simethicone, and Multi-enzyme tablets for treatment.