
My uncle is getting older, and recently he has been experiencing blurred vision, which is not helped even with reading glasses. Examination revealed that he has optic nerve atrophy. I am asking if there are any traditional Chinese herbal remedies for nourishing the optic nerve, as well as current clinical treatment methods, including surgical treatment.


Optic nerve atrophy is a serious eye disease where the optic nerve fibers are affected by various factors, leading to degeneration and conduction dysfunction, thereby causing a decrease or loss of vision. The causes are complex and treatment can be challenging. Current clinical treatment methods include medication, phototherapy, and physical therapy, with surgical treatment depending on the condition. For traditional Chinese medicine treatment, although some herbal ingredients may aid in the nourishment and repair of the optic nerve, the specific effects and safety still need to be evaluated by a professional physician. It is recommended that the patient seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine the cause and undergo treatment under a doctor’s guidance.