
A 27-year-old woman, who had previously been in good health, decided to use household edible baking soda to wash her vulva after hearing that alkaline solutions might increase the chances of having a boy. During the washing process, she felt a stinging sensation, and after washing, she discovered that her labia minora was peeled and bleeding, and she also felt pain during urination. The next day, her symptoms improved slightly, suspecting it might be due to the high concentration. Now she is worried about whether this method could affect her future pregnancy and childbirth.


Disease Analysis: Hello, your described behavior may have already caused a urinary tract infection. To clarify, the sex of the child is determined by the father’s chromosomes, not by the pH level of the mother’s vaginal wash. I recommend you immediately stop using any non-prescribed solutions for vaginal washing to avoid further disruption of the vaginal natural balance. For the current infection, please seek medical attention promptly and receive appropriate treatment. Avoid sexual activity until the condition is under control.