
My daughter is 6 years old. Initially, she had a bit of throat pain, and I noticed that her voice was a bit hoarse when she spoke. It seems like she’s had a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away. What should be the effective treatment for pediatric tonsillitis and throat pain?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and give the child some anti-inflammatory medication. Additionally, regional drug sprays or laser therapy can be considered, especially if the child’s throat pain is severe. It is also suggested to use some painkillers to relieve symptoms if the child continues to have a fever. Parents should also give the child some fever-reducing medication or take the child to the hospital immediately. If the medication is not effective and there are recurrent episodes, it is recommended to consider surgical treatment. During treatment, it is also important to pay attention to giving the child a light diet and enhancing nutritional supplementation to help them recover as soon as possible.