What could be the reasons for a 7-month-old baby to suddenly have a fever without cold symptoms?
When a 7-month-old baby suddenly develops a fever without cold symptoms, parents should remain calm and analyze the possible causes of the fever. Typically, fever may be due to viral infections such as cold, flu, measles, or pediatric roseola. Sometimes it may also be caused by bacterial infections like tonsillitis or scarlet fever. Additionally, dehydration, leukemia, tumors, trauma, or postoperative conditions can also lead to fever. Parents should observe the type and duration of the fever and record the body temperature for reference in diagnosis. At the same time, parents should avoid using antibiotics prematurely and use antipyretics cautiously. In most cases, physical cooling methods are safer options. Parents should also pay attention to the child’s diet and environment and seek medical attention promptly if the fever does not subside or recurs.