
Treatment of kidney syndrome…


According to current clinical treatment, the treatment of kidney syndrome typically involves hormone therapy in Western medicine, which is used to control the excretion of urinary protein. However, this treatment can only temporarily alleviate symptoms and does not fundamentally repair the damaged glomerular filtration membrane. Therefore, when patients suffer from colds, infections, or improper reduction of hormone dosage, the condition is prone to recurrence, and hormone therapy may be accompanied by side effects such as moon face and hirsutism. It is recommended that patients adopt a combined treatment approach with traditional Chinese medicine as the main treatment and Western medicine as a supplement. In clinical treatment and pharmacological research, traditional Chinese medicine has been proven to have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-glomerular fibrosis, anti-platelet aggregation, increased glomerular filtration rate, improved glomerular capillary permeability, and increased renal blood flow effects. These help repair damaged kidney function. Mild to moderate kidney damage can be completely repaired, while severe kidney damage can be restored to mild to moderate levels. Therapies such as external application of Chinese medicine and foot baths also help eliminate symptoms like proteinuria and edema, prevent the deterioration and recurrence of the condition, and achieve clinical healing effects. In terms of diet, it is recommended to adopt…