My son is 4 years old and a baby boy. Initially, he felt a sore throat when speaking, and I noticed he had a slight cough and had been running a low-grade fever. How should red swelling of pediatric tonsillitis be diagnosed and treated?
The first step in treating pediatric tonsillitis is for parents to give their child some anti-inflammatory medication. Additionally, regional drug sprays or laser therapy can be administered. If the child’s main symptom is a sore throat, parents can consider giving some painkillers to relieve the discomfort. If there is a fever, it is advisable to take some antipyretic medication. However, if the fever does not subside, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. Tonsillitis often recurs, and after controlling the inflammation, surgery can be considered. Parents should also ensure their child stays warm to prevent catching a cold and triggering another episode of tonsillitis.