Last summer, after my daughter had been feverish for several days, she suddenly collapsed into a coma and vomited a small amount of vomit, regaining consciousness a few minutes later. After the May Day holiday this year, she has been experiencing a lack of appetite, and after a few more days of fever, she collapsed into a coma again. What could be the possible causes? Thank you for your help!
Based on the description, your daughter’s condition may require further investigation and diagnosis. The similar episode that occurred last year and the recurrence this year may suggest certain underlying health issues. It is advisable to take your child to see a doctor immediately for a detailed physical examination, necessary laboratory tests, and imaging studies (such as EEG, CT or MRI of the head), to determine the cause. Under the guidance of the doctor, appropriate treatment should be administered. Additionally, monitoring temperature changes, providing adequate fluid supplementation, and maintaining good nutritional status are also important.