
How should one manage hematuria in LAG nephritis?


Dear Guo Ping, I have been seeing a doctor for two consecutive years and am now in the hospital ward. Are you referring to IgA nephritis when you mention LAG nephritis? This condition primarily manifests as hematuria, and Western medicine mainly uses hormone treatment, but it tends to recur easily. Traditional Chinese medicine believes it is due to kidney Yin deficiency, damp-heat obstruction, or blood stasis with insufficient kidney Qi. Treatment with TCM dialectical medicine involves nourishing Yin, clearing heat and promoting diuresis, activating blood and removing blood stasis, and invigorating Qi and tonifying the kidneys to improve kidney function and eliminate hematuria. I suggest you consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and take Chinese medicine tailored to your specific condition. Wishing you a speedy recovery.