
Am I suffering from kidney disease? Can it be cured? What are the treatment options?


  1. Arrange your daily routine and lifestyle properly, participate in moderate physical activities, strengthen your body through exercise, but avoid overexertion. Maintain a balanced diet to enhance your physical condition and immune system. Pay attention to personal and environmental hygiene, develop good hygiene habits, and always keep a relaxed and cheerful mood to strengthen your awareness of self-care.
  2. Actively prevent infection sources and treat acute nephritis promptly. Reduce the chances of infection, prevent catching colds, and guard against the occurrence of diseases such as purulent tonsillitis and skin abscess infections. If you are infected with any of these diseases or develop acute nephritis or other primary glomerular diseases, receive timely and thorough treatment. For patients with chronic infection foci suffering from acute nephritis, after the condition stabilizes for 3 to 6 months, surgical methods may be used for radical treatment if necessary, to prevent these diseases from developing into chronic nephritis.
  3. Pay attention to self-monitoring. If you experience discomfort, such as increased nocturia, decreased appetite, discomfort or acidosis in the waist , especially if you notice swelling around the eyelids and face upon waking up in the morning or abnormal urination, it may indicate a possible kidney disease. It is important to seek medical attention promptly for early diagnosis and treatment, which also plays a significant role in preventing the disease. The best way to prevent nephritis is to enhance physical exercise, strengthen your body’s resistance to diseases, pay attention to personal hygiene, keep the skin clean, and prevent purulent skin infections. In cold winter seasons, prevent catching colds, dampness, and overexertion. During the prevalence of respiratory infectious diseases, take active preventive measures and adopt isolation measures.