
A young girl, 5 months old, has just started to complain of pain while swallowing and noticed that her voice sounds a bit hoarse. Additionally, she seems to have a low-grade fever. Can pediatric tonsillitis cause high fever? What foods can help alleviate the symptoms?


During the treatment of tonsillitis, it is important to arrange the child’s diet properly. Firstly, the child should be encouraged to eat more vegetables and fruits, as many fruits have cooling and detoxifying effects and are rich in vitamins, which can help boost immunity and fight off diseases. For instance, pears are cool in nature and have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, resolving phlegm, and relieving pain, which can alleviate throat discomfort caused by acute tonsillitis. For the main course, choose softer foods such as congee or noodles, which are easy to swallow and can prevent constipation from worsening the condition. At the same time, ensure the child drinks an adequate amount of plain water. However, it is best to avoid certain foods that may cause allergies, such as seafood and dog meat. Additionally, it is important to help correct the child’s bad habit of picky eating to ensure they receive a balanced diet.