
My daughter is two and a half years old. Last month, when she had a fever due to mycoplasma, I gave her Nimesulide. I gave her one packet each time, and she took it for five consecutive days. Then, a few days ago, she had a fever again, and I gave her four packets yesterday. Yesterday, her urine was like soy sauce, and today I tested for occult blood in her urine. I don’t know if this could cause liver damage. She’s been saying she’s tired for the past two days, and I’m very worried. If it has caused damage, can it be recovered?


Many medications and chemical toxins can cause liver damage, leading to drug-induced hepatitis or toxic hepatitis. The extent of liver damage depends on the dosage, duration of exposure to the medication or chemical toxin, and individual differences in susceptibility. Long-term use or repeated exposure to medications and chemical toxins can lead to chronic hepatitis, even liver cirrhosis.