
The child has cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, cannot speak, cannot walk, and is hyperactive.


Treatment for pediatric cerebral palsy can be carried out through regular acupuncture, focusing on enhancing brain function, eliminating blood stasis, and promoting nerve recovery. The treatment emphasizes the Du Meridian and the Gallbladder and Stomach Meridians of the Foot Lesser Yang and Foot Yangming, as well as the Jiaji points. The main acupoints include Baihui, Sishencong, Jiaji, Xianzhong, Zusanli, Hegu. If there is insufficient liver and kidney function, add Ganshu and Shenshu; if there is deficiency of both the heart and spleen, add Shenshu and Pishu; if there is phlegm and blood stasis blocking the meridians, add Geshu, Xuehai, Fenglong; for speech disorders, add Tongli, Lianquan, Jinjin, Yuyin; for soft neck, add Tianzhu; for upper limb paralysis, add Jianjing and Quchi; for lower limb paralysis, add Huantiao and Yanglingquan; for lumbar softness, add Yaoyangguan.