
A three-year-old boy had a cold during the Spring Festival, experienced difficulty breathing, but later recovered. Recently, he has difficulty breathing at night, needs to breathe through his mouth, has poor sleep quality, and occasionally snores.


Adenoid hypertrophy is a chronic inflammation that causes this condition, which is one of the most common issues in children. It is also caused by autoimmune reasons. The symptoms you described are mainly manifestations of upper respiratory infections. Once there is an upper respiratory infection, the adenoids may enlarge, affecting breathing and other functions. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Pay attention to your child’s health care, especially during the winter when diseases are more prone to occur. For instance, wear a mask when going out, avoid crowded places or poorly ventilated areas, and pay attention to indoor humidity.
  2. Pay attention to your child’s diet. Consume more vitamin C-rich foods and drink plenty of water to avoid the accumulation of metabolic products affecting their immune system.
  3. Engage in appropriate physical exercise to enhance your child’s physical quality and boost their immunity. If illness occurs, especially when there is respiratory inflammation, the condition may worsen. Treatment plans can be determined based on the specific inflammation situation. In severe cases of inflammation, intravenous antibiotic treatment may be required.