
Main Symptoms: After dinner last night, my child ate a lot more, and around 9 pm, they suddenly vomited. Taking their temperature, I found it was 38.5 degrees. Onset Time: Last night at 9 pm. Laboratory Test Results: Blood Test Results: White blood cells 12.30, Lymphocytes %36.80, Lymphocytes #4.50, Hemoglobin 118.0, Red Blood Cell Pressure 35.1.


Hello, your child is suffering from acute gastritis with an infection present.

  1. Among the medications listed above, there is Cefixime for anti-inflammatory and VITB6 for nausea relief. There is no medication for fever reduction.
  2. Currently, physical cooling (cooling) methods should be used, such as using ice packs or fever-reducing patches, or wiping the body with alcohol; if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, it is recommended to take fever-reducing medication like Merck, which is quite effective.
  3. Acute gastritis does not necessarily require diarrhea; vomiting and elevated white blood cells can be used for diagnosis. Lifestyle Care: As long as treatment is consistently followed, symptoms should alleviate within about three days.