
My son is 7 months old, and he has recently started complaining of a sore throat, along with severe coughing and persistent low-grade fever. What are effective treatment methods for pediatric tonsillitis with high fever?


In treating such conditions, it is advisable to give the child symptomatic antibiotic medications while also conducting systemic treatment and opting for regional treatments to boost efficacy. Regional treatments may include tonsil pocket irrigation and tonsil injections. For children who exhibit obvious throat pain symptoms, painkillers can be used. If the child continues to have a fever, parents can administer fever-reducing medication or take the child to the hospital immediately. In addition to these medication treatment methods, if the child frequently experiences tonsillitis, it is also recommended to consider surgical treatment. Moreover, parents should pay attention to keeping their child warm and protected from catching a cold to prevent recurrent tonsillitis.