Can women with chromosome abnormalities and a history of recurrent abortions still get pregnant?
Women with 46XX chromosomes and a 100% chromosomal abnormality, and males with an aneuploidy of 2N5%. Approximately 80% of habitual abortions are related to immune abnormalities. During pregnancy, the woman’s body produces immune responses against the male, leading to the embryo not being recognized by the mother’s immune system, causing abortion. It is crucial to correctly classify the immune cause to choose a more effective treatment plan. Patience and cooperation with examinations are very important for patients. If immune tests are started before the body has fully recovered after an abortion, all indicators have not reached a stable state, and they cannot reflect the true situation. The speed and clinical significance of examinations for habitual abortions mainly include: basal body temperature, blood estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, etc. Infection factor checks include: toxoplasmosis, mycoplasma, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, rubella virus, etc. Reproductive organ factor checks include: hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, etc. Genetic factor checks include: chromosomal karyotype analysis of both partners. Immune factor checks include: antiphospholipid antibodies, ABO blood type antibodies, closed antibodies, unique antibody-specific antibodies, etc. Prevention is primarily focused on; both partners should undergo detailed examinations at the hospital before conception, including reproductive organ checks and necessary tests. Those with conditions can undergo chromosomal testing. If the cause can be found, treatment can be targeted accordingly.