
I would like to ask which hospital is better for treating pediatric ADHD?


As of now, it’s not clear, and it may be related to the following factors: (1) The mother of the child often has more complications during pregnancy or peripartum, with a history of heavy smoking or alcoholism. (2) Genetic factors, such as: the child’s blood relatives, father, etc., showing more hyperactivity or inattention; monozygotic twins have a higher prevalence of 51% to 64%; relatives with alcoholism, antisocial personality, and hysteria are also more common. (3) The research results on neurotransmitters and enzymes are often contradictory, but they are still a research path for the etiology of this disease. (4) Severe lead poisoning can cause fatal toxic brain disease, dementia, and other nervous system damage, but whether mild lead poisoning can cause ADHD is still without conclusion.