A 12-year-old student is found to be inattentive during class, frequently answering questions incorrectly, hyperactive during breaks, and fond of fighting with classmates. They are unable to control their behavior and do not differentiate between right and wrong. What medications are suitable for treating this condition?
For 12-year-old children with ADHD, it is not recommended to consume foods high in methyl salicylate, such as tomatoes, apples, oranges, and apricots. Parents should be cautious not to add spices like pepper oil or food colored with tartaric acid to their child’s diet. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid giving children foods containing tyrosine, such as noodles, pastries, and dairy products. It is also important to prevent children from eating potentially lead-contaminated foods like shellfish, large red shrimp, sunflower seeds, lettuce, preserved eggs, popcorn, and alcoholic beverages.