
What should be done to treat a 1-year-2-month-old child diagnosed with O-shaped legs?


For mild O-shaped legs, knee joint massage on the outer side should be performed daily, with each session lasting for 15 minutes. Additionally, Vitamin AD (cod liver oil) should be supplemented, and adequate sun exposure should be ensured. translationKey,department,title,ask,answer pediatric-83126,Orthopedics,Treatment for a 1-Year-2-Month-Old Child with O-Shape Legs,2015.4.02 checked for trace elements and blood tests, the results showed rickets and O-shaped legs, requiring calcium supplementation,Hello, according to your description, generally O-shaped legs are a skeletal deformity of rickets. If not severe, daily massage on the outer side of the knee joint can be used to correct it, with each massage lasting for fifteen minutes. At the same time, Vitamin AD (cod liver oil) should be supplemented and more sun exposure should be ensured.