
Left eye vision is 1.5, right eye vision is 0.5. I didn’t notice the problem as a child, but discovered the abnormality in junior high school. I have consulted many doctors without a clear diagnosis of the cause. Some hospitals diagnosed it as optic nerve atrophy and informed me that the condition cannot be cured over time, and I hope to get an answer.


The treatment for primary optic nerve atrophy first requires actively seeking the cause and treating the primary disease. For optic nerve atrophy caused by pituitary adenoma, even with severe vision loss, vision can be well restored after surgery. For optic nerve atrophy caused by optic nerve canal fracture after trauma, if early surgery can reduce pressure and remove the pressure on the optic nerve, good therapeutic effects can also be achieved. For optic nerve atrophy caused by other reasons, the treatment effect is not good, and it can be tried with high doses of neurotrophic drugs and vasodilators.