
Symptoms: Duration of Illness: Laboratory Test Results:


Diagnosis: Cataracts are characterized by the opacity of the lens. Conditions such as aging, heredity, metabolic disorders, trauma, radiation, poisoning, and regional nutritional deficiencies can damage the lens capsule, increasing its permeability and losing its barrier function, or causing metabolic disorders in the lens, leading to the degeneration of lens proteins and the formation of opacity. Treatment with Special Formulas:

  1. Shen Qu Wan: Stabilizes the mind, calms the spirit, and improves vision. Suitable for specific cases of cataracts.
  2. Xiao Bai Tang: Relieves liver depression, regulates spleen function, clears heart and kidney, suitable for patients with liver depression and kidney deficiency.
  3. Liang Ye Yang Gan Pian: Supplementing liver and kidney, relieving depression and cooling blood, suitable for patients with liver and kidney deficiency and qi depression transforming into fire. Lifestyle Care: I hope this is helpful to you. Wish you good health.