
A 5-year-old child’s main symptom is severe cough, with asthma sounds before hospitalization, and still coughing after discharge. The onset was on September 18, 2009, and the laboratory test results showed slight anemia.


Don’t worry; recovery from the disease takes time. When the cough is not severe, you can give the child plenty of water to drink or prepare a syrup of rock sugar and pear as a beverage. Bronchitis is a common respiratory disease in children, occurring throughout the year with a peak in winter and spring. When a child has bronchitis, they may experience symptoms such as fever, cough, decreased appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. Young children may exhibit symptoms of capillary bronchitis like shortness of breath and wheezing. Although a very few children may develop bronchopneumonia, most cases are mild and can be treated at home with medication and care. Parents should follow the doctor’s instructions to give the child medication on time and perform good home care: 1. Keep warm; 2. Provide plenty of water; 3. Ensure adequate nutrition; 4. Change positions and pat the back; 5. Reduce fever; 6. Maintain a good home environment.