
My son, who is five years old, has recently been experiencing pain and difficulty while swallowing, along with a fever and lack of energy. What should I be cautious about in terms of his diet?


When a child has tonsillitis, there are several points to consider regarding their diet:

  • Maintain Lightness: Focus on vegetables and fruits, avoiding irritating foods. Light meals are less likely to cause discomfort and are rich in nutrients, which help boost the immune system. It is recommended to choose fruits like pears and apples, as well as vegetables like green leafy vegetables, cabbage, and tomatoes, and adjust according to your child’s preferences.
  • Easy to Swallow and Digest: Opt for foods that are easy to chew, swallow, and digest, such as porridge.
  • Avoid Triggers: Do not give your child seafood or dog meat, as these may worsen the condition.
  • Develop Good Habits: In addition to a healthy diet, pay attention to your child’s sleep and exercise habits to ensure adequate sleep and moderate exercise.