
How is pediatric asthma treated?


The main symptom is wheezing after a cold, although it has been treated, it often recurs. Over the past year, the onset of the disease has been irregular. Examination has found mild inflammation in the right middle and lower lobes of the lung. Asthma is an allergic disease characterized by high airway reactivity and chronic inflammation, primarily manifesting as airway spasm, narrowing, obstruction, hypoxia, and difficulty breathing. According to the new treatment concept, the focus should be on reducing airway reactivity and eliminating chronic inflammation, while also relieving bronchospasm and improving hypoxia status. Treatment should be maintained long-term during the remission period. There are many drugs currently used to treat bronchial asthma, which are generally divided into two categories: one is bronchodilators such as β2-adrenergic agonists, aminophylline, ipratropium bromide, etc., which can relieve bronchospasm and improve ventilation function; the other is anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids, sodium cromoglycate, ketotifen, etc., which can eliminate chronic bronchial inflammation, reduce airway reactivity, and fundamentally relieve bronchial asthma. Other immunomodulators can be used as adjunctive treatment for asthma. Identifying allergens is very important. Avoiding allergens in daily life can prevent the occurrence of allergies, which is an economical and effective method.