
How is asthma diagnosed in children?


Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory respiratory disease in children, and its diagnosis is usually based on the following symptoms and signs:

  1. Cough: Persistent cough, especially at night or in the morning, or exacerbated after exercise.
  2. Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing during activity, uphill walking, or in cold weather.
  3. Nighttime Asthma: Wheezing or difficulty breathing at night or in the morning.
  4. Other Symptoms: Including nasal itching, eye itching, and skin allergies. Doctors may perform pulmonary function tests, allergy tests, and other relevant examinations to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment typically includes the use of bronchodilators, antiallergic drugs, and possibly corticosteroids. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for preventing the deterioration of the condition. Follow your doctor’s advice for necessary examinations and treatments. Regular follow-ups and monitoring changes in the condition also help provide more effective management plans.