
The patient is a 26-year-old female from a rural area in Linxi County, Hebei Province. She noticed edema in both lower limbs around May 18, 2007, and went to Liaocheng Second Hospital for examination the next day. The 24-hour urine protein quantification test result was 1.5 grams, with three plus signs. Subsequently, she underwent a kidney biopsy at a hospital in Hebei Province, diagnosed with stage I membranous nephropathy. She is currently undergoing treatment, including taking prednisone 10 tablets daily, five tablets of Shenyang Four Flavor Tablets (three times a day), one tablet of Shujiangzhi in the morning and evening, three calcium tablets, and intravenous administration of 0.2 mg of cyclophosphamide every other day. The patient wants to know the duration of treatment needed for this condition, when she can reduce the dosage of prednisone, and if there are any effective drugs that can quickly cure the disease. What if the condition recurs in the future?


The most effective medication is hormones, specifically prednisone. The timing of dosage reduction depends on the treatment effect. It is recommended to also use traditional Chinese medicine treatment for better efficacy. As for an effective drug that can quickly cure nephrotic syndrome, there is currently no such medication available. If the condition recurs, the treatment plan should be adjusted according to the specific situation.