
Can a 20-year-old female still continue to grow taller? I’ve been having knee pain lately; does this mean I’m still growing?


Condition Analysis: Hello, the possibility of growing taller at this age is already very small, with the most likely increase being only 1-2 centimeters. It’s more probable that you have stopped growing. Adolescents may experience growth pains during their period of rapid growth, but your knee pain at this age should not be due to growth pains. It is recommended to undergo a check-up and treatment as soon as possible to avoid delaying the best treatment opportunity and potentially developing the condition into a chronic disease. Guidance: Growth pains are usually associated with rapid growth, but at your age, you are no longer experiencing such rapid growth. Therefore, your knee pain should not be due to growth pains. Please seek a medical examination and treatment promptly. Wishing you good health.