
Are there any specialized cerebral palsy treatment hospitals in Henan Province? Where are they located specifically?


Pediatric cerebral palsy typically manifests before or during infancy and may be caused by factors such as birth injuries, neonatal jaundice, brain hypoxia, or preterm birth. Symptoms include increased muscle tone, difficulty with abduction, muscle rigidity, and joint flexion posture. Some mild symptoms may manifest as poor fine motor skills or the inability to place the heel down while walking. Patients may also experience language development disorders, dysarthria, strabismus, and varying degrees of seizures and intellectual disabilities. Cerebral palsy leads to delayed motor development, which may be evident as inactivity at 3 months of age, lack of crawling when lying on the stomach, continued tight hand grasp at 4-6 months, and gait abnormalities such as a stiff or scissor gait. Currently, many medications struggle to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, making it difficult to produce direct therapeutic effects. Rehabilitation training can only improve the imitation abilities of children with cerebral palsy intellectual disability and enhance certain motor skills but cannot address the root problem. Traditional Chinese medicine Guilou Nao Kang can directly act on brain cells, promoting protein synthesis, combating cortical hypoxia, improving brain energy metabolism, and accelerating blood circulation in the brain. This aids in promoting brain cell growth and development, holding promise for restoring speech, walking, and intellectual abilities to normal levels for affected children.