
Main Symptoms

Double knee pain accompanied by slight redness. Onset Time: Unclear. Laboratory Test Results: X-ray did not show any abnormalities.


Many parents have experienced their children going through knee pain. Parents often assume their child has arthritis. However, there are numerous causes of knee pain, and true arthritis has specific characteristics. Parents should not jump to conclusions easily. One way to determine if it’s arthritis is to observe whether the knee is swollen. If there is no swelling, it should not be diagnosed as arthritis. If the knee swells, especially in multiple joints, medical assistance should be sought. Besides arthritis, growth pains can also cause knee pain. How can you tell if a child has growth pains? Growth pains usually occur in children aged 5 to 6 or 7 to 8 years old and often occur at night, with no discomfort during the day. Children may need their parents to rub their legs due to pain at night, but they will recover normally the next day. The cause of growth pains is still unclear. If parents confirm that their child has growth pains, there is usually no need for special treatment, and this condition will disappear as the child grows older. In addition, ligament laxity can also lead to knee pain. Ligament laxity is characterized by soft hands and legs; hands can bend to a level parallel to the arms, and legs are not completely straight; they can bend backward. Some cases…