
A patient has been experiencing swelling in the abdominal area of their right leg for over a month. Urinalysis shows protein levels of 3+, and the preliminary diagnosis is nephrotic syndrome. The patient is currently receiving treatment at a local municipal hospital. The patient inquires about the treatment process and precautions for this condition.


The treatment for nephrotic syndrome typically requires a longer duration, and it is normal for the effects to not be immediately evident in the early stages. Additionally, traditional Chinese medicine has shown good effects in treating nephrotic syndrome with fewer side effects, and it is recommended that patients use Chinese medicine concurrently. Western medical treatment usually involves corticosteroids or cytotoxic drugs, which have significant side effects. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Do not over-stress, maintain a correct understanding of the disease, keep a positive mood, and actively cooperate with treatment.
  2. Taking Chinese medicine can greatly help the condition. It is suggested to adopt a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.
  3. Follow a low-sodium, low-fat diet, avoid eating foods with strong stimulating, and choose light and nutritious foods. Hope these suggestions will be helpful to the patient, and wish for a speedy recovery.