
A baby who was about to turn five months old was hospitalized before September 25th due to a high fever, diagnosed with a viral upper respiratory infection. After being discharged on October 2nd, the baby began experiencing diarrhea, about 8 to 10 times a day, with watery or curd-like stools, without any fever or vomiting, and in good spirits. After taking Mamy Love for four days and Simida for two days, the symptoms did not improve. The original feeding amount was 120 milliliters per feeding, but it has now been reduced to 60 to 70 milliliters per feeding, with feedings approximately every two hours. Appetite remains normal. A 50 to 70 milliliter dose of newborn glucose water is given after each episode of diarrhea.


It is recommended to conduct a rotavirus test and consider the use of traditional Chinese medicine or patent medicines for treatment.