
A 7-month-old baby has less flexible movement in the right arm compared to the left, with the right hand rarely actively picking up objects, while the left arm can be used for grasping and play. The baby is currently receiving treatment at Xinxiang Children’s Hospital, which includes electrotherapy, rehabilitation, and closed injections. The baby has undergone 5-6 sessions of closed treatment and approximately half a month of rehabilitation therapy. Although there has been some improvement in raising the right arm, the ability to grasp objects with the right hand has not seen any progress.


Based on your description, the baby showed signs of oxygen deficiency at birth, leading to a low Apgar score and poor respiratory function. Was there any pulling on the baby’s right arm during the delivery process? If so, combined with the current symptoms of the baby, it can be diagnosed as brachial plexus injury. Since birth until now, for 7 months, there has been some improvement in the movement of the right hand and arm after treatment. Personally, I believe that conservative treatment can still be continued as described. During the treatment process, it is necessary to compare the treatment effects once a month. If there is progress, continue with the treatment. If there is no improvement, further examination or seeking treatment at a higher-level hospital is needed. In addition, observe the movement of the baby’s lower limbs and pay attention to intellectual development.